3 henkilön Makuuhuone yläkerrassa

Modern villas built from Finnish wood in Jyväskylä's Laajavuori

More than accommodation

Staying at Havu Resort is like an experience in a coniferous forest.

In the construction of the havu resort villa, mainly coniferous wood was used, and the color scheme of the villa was taken directly from the coniferous forest. Nature literally floods in through the large windows. The calming smell of wood and the beautiful patterns on the wall make the experience real, as if you were in the middle of nature.

Accommodation in the Havu resort villa is complemented by a well-equipped kitchen. The kitchen has basic crockery, glasses and cutlery for 12 guests, dishwasher, microwave, oven and induction stove. In the kitchen there is a large dining table for 10-12 guests, which enables both joint dining and a successful meeting. The villa has a large TV and a strong Wi-Fi connection.

Stay and sleep well in an all-wooden villa!

Completed in 2023, the conifer villa has accommodation for a total of 13+4 guests. The villa can also be divided into two smaller villas with an intermediate door, in which case there is accommodation for 7+2 guests and/or 6+2 guests.

In May 2024, a new villa was completed and it has a similar structure to the villa completed a year earlier. The villa with small changes and improvements (such as a cold pool) can also be divided into two separate spaces.

Send us an email or call us and ask for an offer.

or phone +358505889307


Tutustu huviloihin!

Havu 5 huvila valmistuu toukokuussa 2025 ja on varattavissa noin 20-25 vieraan juhla-, kokous- ja tapaamistilaisuuksiin 1.6.2025 lähtien. Huvilassa on majoitustilat 4+2 vieraalle, ulkoporeallas, sisäsauna, kattava keittiö ja avara iso tila metsänäkymillä.Jarjestämme huvilalle toukokuussa tutustumisvierailuja, ota meihin yhteyttä ja tule tutustumaan! tai +358505889307/ Maija

Lue lisää
sauna havu resort

Nauti luonnosta terassilla

Havu resort huvilan isolla katetulla terassilla viihtyminen on varmaa.

Katetulla terassilla on ruokailu-/ istumatilat 8 hlölle, neljän polttimon kaasugrilli sekä kuuden henkilön poreallas (lisäpalveluna).

Terassin kautta on mahdollista nauttia myös uudesta tavasta kokea luonnossa yöpyminen turvallisesti, vinttilaavulla. Vinttilaavulle on kulku terassin kautta tikapuita pitkin (rakenteilla, turvallisuusselvitys kesken).
